My friend Kevin Anderson, who is over blogging and interaction at The Guardian in the UK, is experimenting with Seesmic, a new video site that is still in its private alpha stage.

Although I don't have access to the site yet, it seems like the child of a marriage between YouTube and a message board.  While you can respond to videos with videos on other sites, it appears that Seesmic is focused on getting people to interact through video.  Uploading and viewing videos is only a small part of participating on the site.

Understanding this expectation, Kevin is using the site to converse with the site's small community to discuss the US Elections, and he is getting some interesting responses.  If you check out his post about this experiment, you can see how people have reacted to his initial questions for readers to respond. 

It'll be interesting to see if a larger community will respond in such a way as this small — which has to be tech savvy — is.  Perhaps this is a great future tool for newspapers.