Author Archive

Five Nifty Drupal Modules

We have used Drupal as our primary platform to build web sites since 2007.  It is a robust content management system that allows us to develop powerful websites.  While it has a lot of capability out of the box, one of the most attractive things about Drupal is the wide variety of modules available that add functionality to the system. ...

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In Search of a Great Tool for Holiday Fundraising?

Here at the Brick Factory, we understand that competition for donor dollars is fierce in this economy. Having worked with many nonprofit and political organizations we know you have to be creative for your fundraising to have an impact.

Giving eCards is a new product that provides organizations with a creative and cost-effective way to raise money online....

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Moved In

The Brick Factory has finally gotten settled in our beautiful new office space. It has been an exciting transition, and now that furniture is in place, hardware is plugged in, a makeshift basketball hoop has been secured near the strategists, and candy is in the bowl in the reception area,...

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The Official YouTube Creator’s Playbook

Although this clocks in at 70 slides,  if you only read and apply the first 30 slides your YouTube channel will be better than most. Indeed rather than producing something overly complex with tons of fancy buzzwords YouTube has put together a fairly concise (and free) outline of how to best utilize the platform....

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Perspectives on the Internet and Human Memory

Humans and machines have been intertwined for as long as anyone currently reading these words can remember. Recently though, the discussion has turned to whether this relationship affects our mutual memories. In essence, do we remember things? Or do we, as a collective human race, simply remember to google them?...

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