Author Archive’s Big Picture: Online News Photography Done Right

Photos on news site are often made deliberately small and/or buried in annoying Flash slide show software. Good photography ends up getting marginalized. recently launched a dead simple photo blog called Big Picture that shows how powerful online news photography can be if you out of the way and let the pictures tell a story....

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SEO Showdown: Obama vs McCain

HubSpot is an Internet marketing company that helps company increase their visibility online.  As part of their marketing strategy, they have built an interesting tool that grades how visible your site is in search engines.  Stealing an idea from TechCrunch, I ran a quick report that compared the McCain and Obama websites.   ...

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John McCain Redesigns Website

Last night, the McCain web team launched a graphic redesign of their campaign website (feature set looks more or less the same). I like the new look a lot and think it is a real improvement over the well done second iteration and depressing first version.  This is a very nice looking website....

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Thoughts On Video Commenting

Earlier today news leaked out that the comment management system Disqus (background here) has enabled video commenting on sites that use the service through a partnership with Seesmic. Basically this means that people can post video comments in addition to regular old text comments in response to articles, blog posts,...

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9 Ways to Improve the Quality of Comments on your Website

I posted a link on our Twitter account a few days back about Jim Brady from the Washington Post’s call for commenters on newspaper websites to post using their real names.  In doing away with anonymous commenting, he is hoping to improve the generally low level of discourse you find on many media sites. ...

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