Author Archive

Adrian Holovaty and the Post’s Database Explosion

The other day I stumbled across a YouTube video of pioneering journalists/programmer Adrian Holovaty playing the MacGyver theme song on guitar. (The video is on the YouTube homepage and has been viewed 750,000+ times). Seeing the video prompted me to head over to his site for the first time in awhile....

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Poll: Should Candidates Maintain Official MySpace Profiles?

I think this is the big question raised by the whole Obama MySpace mess. Let us know what you think by voting in the poll below and by leaving your thoughts in the comments.
[Poll=8] ...

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Republicans and Twitter

Way back in February, I wrote a speculative post about technologies I thought might impact the 2008 elections. One of the technologies I mentioned was Twitter. The Hotline (and David All) noted last week that House GOP leader John Boehner is twitterring (sorry). Today, I stumbled across the recently created profiles of House Whip Eric Cantor and the National Republican Congressional Committee (first committee on Twitter I think)....

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Obama’s MySpace Fiasco

Micah Sifry has a fantastic story up on the battle currently being waged over Barack Obama’s MySpace profile. In a nutshell, a few years ago an Obama fanatic reserved Obama’s name on MySpace and began building a network on Obama’s behalf. The campaign worked with the supporter for a while,...

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Team Building Videos: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

When I was in traditional PR one of the activities I always thought was a waste of time and money was the creation of internal, morale boosting videos.  Basically, the idea is to make this “cool” video to get everyone fired up at some big event, nevermind the other 364 days in the year. ...

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