Author Archive

Five Brothers Blog and Digg This

Update: The issue with the Digg buttons I describe below has been fixed on the Romney blog (it was fixed within two hours of my post). I could be wrong, but I suspect that means the campaign is watching blogs pretty closely, unlike the McCain folks who took weeks to fix a similar problem. ...

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A Tale of Two Op-Eds

On April 7th, 2008 Republican Presidential candidate John McCain published an op-ed about the Iraq war in the Washington Post. That same day, Fred Thompson, who is considering his own Presidential run, wrote a blog post about Iran on Red State, a conservative blog community.

Two very different approaches....

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Link Roundup 4/10/2007

Washington Post website redesigned as a wiki?

A Japan-based design firm has redesigned the Post in the wiki style. Interesting. Reminds me of a stripped down version of the current New York Times website. <Via Martin Stabe>

Wikis, Indexes, Context, and the News

Amy Graham from the Poynter Institute writes about how wikis might be used by the news media: “They could play a valuable role not just in supplying engagement and context,...

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Matt Stoller: Where are

Matt Stoller of MyDD has an interesting post today that looks at why the Republicans appear to be falling behind Democrats in their use of the Internet. Here is how he closes the piece:

I’ve been digging into this question, of why the left is winning online, for years now....

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Does User-Generated Content Work for Political Campaigns?

So far this cycle, two candidates for President have fully embraced the concept of user-generated content: John Edwards and Barack Obama. Barack Obama has his own social network and allows users to create their own blogs hosted on his site. John Edwards hosts a DailyKos style blog network that allows any user to start their own diary/blog on his site....

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