Wagner James Au of GigaOM has a fascinating look at why, despite the endless hype, marketing in Second Life hasn’t proven to be effective yet. This is a good companion piece to a link I posted yesterday that provides some practical reasons to be skeptical of Second Life’s marketing potential (put me in the big time skeptic category)....
Continue ReadingSometime in the last few weeks, Hillary Clinton launched a simplified, Spanish version of her campaign website. Unless I’m missing something, Hillary is the only candidate that has gone bilingual on the web so far.
As a note, Presidential campaign websites for the general election almost always have a Spanish version....
Continue Reading(1) Drinks with Dell
Jeff Jarvis, who has a bit of a history with Dell, went and had drinks with the Dell team in Austin. In this great post, he recaps the steps Dell has taken to rebuild itself after the Jarvis-lead Dell Hell mess two years back....
Continue ReadingJose Antonio Vargas from the Post has a good article up about the John Edwards campaign’s presence on a mind numbing 24 social networking sites. The experts quoted in the article are all complimentary of Edwards’ efforts in the social media space. I think the story is missing one thing: a strong statement of dissent....
Continue ReadingI’m pretty sure John Edwards was the first politican to start a Twitter account. But as far as I know the UK’s Alan Johnson is the first to actually integrate a Twitter account into a campaign website. A nice job by Johnson’s communications director Stuart Bruce....
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