Author Archive

Campaigns are Conversations

Hillary Clinton formally announced her entry into the 2008 Presidential race today. And like Tom Vilsack, Senator Clinton appears to have spent some time with the Cluetrain Manifesto (“markets are conversations”).

The tagline “Let the Conversation Begin” is plastered all over her site and she begins her annoucement video with this quote: “I’m not just starting a campaign,...

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Is the Obama Campaign Going to Embrace Consumer Generated Video?

When I saw Senator Barack Obama’s annoucement video yesterday, I was impressed by the Flash video player the campaign is using.  I’ve looked into this before, and the Flash player Obama is using has the critical features I look for: (1) subtle design, (2) the ability to email the video, (3) permalink and (3) embeddable HTML code. ...

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Barack Obama Annouces Presidential Candidacy on His Website

On the heels of John Edward’s announcement of his Presidential ambitions on YouTube, Senator Barack Obama posted a video announcing his candidacy on his website.

The video is embedded below:


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BlogBurst Wants to Give Us Money

BlogBurst is a service that makes content from a pre-screened group of blogs available to a network of publishers, including the likes of USA Today and Reuters. We signed The Bivings Report up with BlogBurst right when it launched in May in an effort to get more folks to read our content....

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Missed Opportunities for the New Yorker

One of the best blogs around is written by New Yorker reporter and author Malcolm Gladwell. Gladwell posts around once a week about his books (Blink and The Tipping Point), his latest New Yorker article or some other topic that strikes his fancy (like the NBA or racism).

The blog is quite successful....

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