Author Archive

Mitt Romney Launches Presidential Campaign Website

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney launched the first iteration of his campaign website recently and it is underwhelming.

I am certain that the Romney campaign has big plans for the site. But as someone who develops websites for a living I can tell you that the features you choose to include (and exclude) on launch say a lot about where you are headed....

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Yahoo Redesigns Google

A mock up of the Google homepage done in the Yahoo! design style is making the rounds today. Steve Bryant, who put this together, did a great job on it. But let’s just say I’m of the definite opinion that Google has been smart to keep things simple.


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Apple iPhone and the Search Engines

Apple did a masterful job of announcing the iPhone at MacWorld Expo. The phone is a hit with Wall Street and consumers (me) are salivating.

One unintended consequence of Apple’s shock and awe announcement style is that the search engines are way behind. If you search for “iPhone”...

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A Post for the Apple Fanboys

For those who care, Apple announced the iPhone today and has launched a section of its website about the new cell phone. This phone looks incredible and will probably change the way people think about and use cell phones.

For web developers, it is interesting that Apple is trying to give users a full,...

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Link Roundup (1/08/2007)

Had some blog ideas piling up so I figured I would just do a link post. So here you go:

Social Networking Websites and Teens: An Overview
“More than half (55%) of all online American youths ages 12-17 use online social networking sites, according to a new national survey of teenagers conducted by the Pew Internet &...

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