Design Site Design Review

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“It’s a big-picture site, for big-picture thinkers” according to Managing Editor Christopher Jones and although I’ve not been guilty of any big-picture thinking lately, I do like a big shiny picture on a web site’s home page as much as the next adult A-D-D sufferer....

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MediaPost: redesign pays off

MediaPost reports that's redesign to include many social networking features has paid off.  In article, Gavin O'Malley reports:

USA TODAY'S COMMUNITY-CENTRIC MAKEOVER LAST month appears to be paying off in dividends. Indeed, the site has seen a dramatic 380% increase in registrations since the re-launch, while its unique visitor rates have grown 21% from February,...

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John Edwards 2: The Campaign Site

Click on the left image to see the before and the right to see the after.

Sounds like a stirring movie, but it isn’t, thank God. It’s the title of my design review of John Edwards campaign site update. I was puzzled by the lack of Edward’s face on the last version of this site,...

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San Antonio Express News Redesigns Print Edition to be More Like Blogs

I got an email from my friend Chuck this morning pointing me to the recent overhaul of the print edition of my hometown paper, the San Antonio Express News. 

The Express-News writes about the redesign:

It's hardly breaking news: We're all awash in a flood of information,...

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Design Review: Rudy Giuliani for President

Click on image above to launch Flash Review.
Rollover numbers to view comments.

Well, this is not what I expected to see, or watch, or have my browser crash from.  

Restarting browser…

The exploratory site was pretty presentable. Not much to it,...

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