
The Cobbler’s Son Gets New Shoes

When we officially launched the Brick Factory on October 1, 2011 we quickly put together a four page website + blog in the days leading up to the announcement.  Due to time constraints, the placeholder site, which is still up, is dead simple.  The homepage features our logo,...

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Habit Formation and Web Development

There was a pretty terrific piece in the New York Times a few days ago about how marketers use consumer data to help sell their products.  The whole piece is worth a read, and much of it is relevant to our work in building websites and creating CRM solutions. ...

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Five Nifty Drupal Modules

We have used Drupal as our primary platform to build web sites since 2007.  It is a robust content management system that allows us to develop powerful websites.  While it has a lot of capability out of the box, one of the most attractive things about Drupal is the wide variety of modules available that add functionality to the system. ...

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Barack Obama and Responsive Design

There is little doubt that the 2008 Obama campaign was the most sophisticated digital operation in the history of politics.  It is not really close.

Given how high the bar has been set, there was a lot of hype surrounding the November release of the 2012 version ...

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Just Say No to Splash Pages on

As most of you know, splash pages are those annoying introductory pages that ask you for your email address before letting you access the actual website you are trying to visit.  Having worked in digital for ten years, I can make two definitive statements about splash pages:

  1. They work. 
  2. ...
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