
San Antonio Express News Redesigns Print Edition to be More Like Blogs

I got an email from my friend Chuck this morning pointing me to the recent overhaul of the print edition of my hometown paper, the San Antonio Express News. 

The Express-News writes about the redesign:

It's hardly breaking news: We're all awash in a flood of information,...

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Update: Are Ron Paul Supporters Gaming Digg?

Update: This article was submitted to Digg by someone I don’t know and was starting to gain a bit of traction (28 votes and 15 comments as of this writing). However, the story has been prematurely removed from the upcoming queue for the US Elections 2008 section. Digg has confirmed that the story was removed because it was buried....

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Comment Ordering: First-to-Last or Last-to-First?

USA Today has an interesting post on their Community Center blog about their decision to post the latest comments on articles and blog entries first.  Most blogs (including this one) post comments in chronological order instead of reverse chronological.  Here is USA Today's explanation of the decision:

As development continued,...

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What if Academia met Social Networking?

A few weeks ago, Gary asked me to obtain some "academic" literature on new PR tactics.  I was able to find some interesting articles through my university library that were both relevant and informative.

While these articles were helpful, Gary was disheartened to realize that he couldn't really do anything with them. ...

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16 Ways The News Media Can Use Blogs

This is not a complete list of how the news media can use blogs, but it provides several ideas for journalists who are scratching their heads about how to launch blogs that serve a purpose other than as another distribution channel for content.

(1) Solicit ideas for coverage
Make readers/viewers/listeners feel a part of the editorial process;...

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