
Barack Obama and the Rare Double Splash Page

I was doing some work on Google and did a quick search for Barack Obama. I wanted to go to his main campaign site, so I clicked on the ad that shows up as the first result. I often find just typing search phrases in Google quicker than trying to type in a URL or sort through where I have the site bookmarked....

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On the Ron Paul Supporter Ban at RedState

The conservative blog community RedState recently issued a ban on Ron Paul supporters from “shilling” for their candidate on the site. This led to a very entertaining exchange of arguments about the decision. Against the ban, you’ve got Captain Ed and David All. Defending the decision you’ve got Mike Turk,...

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2008: Year of the Stripped Down Email

Nancy Scola over at TechPresident has the scoop on the latest attempt by a Presidential campaign to personalize mass emails. Basically, “Barack Obama” sent a “personal” email message out to his list yesterday about Hillary’s cash advantage. I am a member of Obama’s list and got the message. Then a few hours later Obama’s message was forwarded to me by some stranger in Leawood,...

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USA Today’s Candidate Match Game

I came across an interesting interactive feature on USA Today‘s website — the Candidate Match Game.

The premise behind this feature is pretty simple. A person selects one of a few defined responses to policy questions ranging from the war in Iraq to global warming to health care....

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Saxby Chambliss’ Video Heavy Website

Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) recently launched a new campaign website that I find vaguely fascinating.  The site doesn’t look like any campaign site I’ve seen before and relies heavily on video.  Campaign sites have a tendency to all look the same and I applaud Chambliss for not being afraid to try something different. ...

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