[NOTE: Several of the comic strips presents in Least I Could Do contain suggestive dialogue and occasional course language. Please read at your own discretion.]
Webcomics normally contain several elements: tech humor, poorly drawn animation, infrequent updates, and ad-riddled layouts. To top it off, many of these sites contain poor code and shoddy design (which is ironic considering that the very same comics mock bad tech users). ...
Continue ReadingThe first Monday after the New Year brings many of us back to reality after a fleeting period of mental freedom (barring any drama with the in-laws, of course). This time of year many choose to reflect on the previous 52 weeks, and determine what kinds of lifestyle changes will make the next year (in our case,...
Continue ReadingChange.gov launched a Digg-inspired feature yesterday that allows users to submit questions to the Obama transition teams and vote questions submitted by other visitors up or down. Open for Questions has enjoyed a good deal of activity so far (410,000 votes on over 5,000 questions) even though it is not at all clear what the transition team intends to do with the data it collects. ...
Continue ReadingPatrick Ruffini has a good post up on Next Right about the Obama campaign’s online engagement strategy (use of email, social networks, etc. to get volunteers to support the campaign). In the article, he points to a quote from Chip Saltsman, who is running for the Chairmanship of the Republican National Committee,...
Continue ReadingMany social networking sites have come and gone, though it's easy to forget about most of them with monsters like Youtube and Facebook acting like they are the only kids in the classroom. Social networking online began with a site called Six Degrees which basically invented the social-circle networking guidelines that are used by so many sites today. ...
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