Social Networks

Facebook Applications: the Future of Fundraising? Probably not.

When Facebook Platform launched at the end of May , the move was met with surprise and delight from online marketers and software developers who have been hoping for a way to access the social network's huge audience of college-aged users.  The Platform allows software developers to design custom applications people can install for their profiles. ...

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Howard Kurtz, will you be one of my Facebook friends?

Breaking news: Washington Post media critic and CNN's Reliable Sources host Howard Kurtz has joined Facebook!

Okay, that isn't breaking news, but he chronicles his first venture into the social networking site in his column in the Post today titled "Searching for Friends." 

First off, he reveals that his college-age daughter "essentially indicated she would rather torch her computer than give me access to her page"...

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Obama’s Facebook Application

I was writing a post about Project’s Agape’s new Facebook application that allows people to raise money for causes directly on Facebook (through the new Facebook Platform). Unfortunately, the application is still really buggy so I was unable to get the data I needed for the post. So while I was messing around in Facebook I decided to write a quick post about what the Barack Obama team is doing with their custom Facebook application....

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Two Journos Tout NowPublic

Last night I attended an interesting journalism workshop at the Cleveland Park Library here in Washington, DC (hat tip: FishbowlDC).  Nationally known writer and photographer Bill Adler and former MSNBC chief Washington correspondent turned freelance multimedia journalist Brock Meeks pitched the citizen driven hyper local news site NowPublic to attendees. 

Approximately 35 people attended. ...

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Facebook Platform is a Game Changer

I have a new entry on my list of technologies that will impact the 2008 elections. Facebook Platform.

In a nutshell, Facebook is boldly opening things up, allowing outside developers (like us) to build third party applications right on top of Facebook. Essentially, Facebook is becoming a technology platform,...

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