Social Networks

Update: Are Ron Paul Supporters Gaming Digg?

Update: This article was submitted to Digg by someone I don’t know and was starting to gain a bit of traction (28 votes and 15 comments as of this writing). However, the story has been prematurely removed from the upcoming queue for the US Elections 2008 section. Digg has confirmed that the story was removed because it was buried....

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Is Twitter a Top Down System?

John Edwards just started Twittering  a few weeks ago.  In that short time, he has already accumulated 1,261 followers and 1,341 friends.  Not bad.  Based on the Twitterholic leaderboard, John Edwards is probably one of the top five most popular people on all of Twitter in terms of friends/followers (although he is not yet on that list)....

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Edwards, Obama on Twitter

In a post last week I suggested that campaigns start using Twitter to update activists on their activities. 

Lynne Johnson over at TechPresident reports that John Edwards and Barack Obama appear to have done just that and created accounts. 

Obama hasn't posted at all and Edwards has posted only four times since January 7. ...

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USA Today Website Redesign is Live

USA Today's new website went live this morning.  You can read a note from the editors about the redesign here and a breakdown of the new features here. 

I like it. 

The key here is the social networking component.  Users can create profiles that include personal information,...

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The Post on Obama and Facebook

Jose Antonio Vargas from the Washington Post has a good article today about massive network of supporters that is developing on Facebook around Barack Obama's Presidential candidacy.  Of course, I'm biased here, as The Bivings Group is quoted in the piece.

Here is what we/I had to say:

"The key point here is that the support for Obama on these social-networking sites is not being driven by the campaign itself....

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