
DC, MD, VA: Govt Snow 2.0 Resources

As most of the east coast is bracing for another snow-pocalypse / thunde-snow / sleet mess this evening we want to highlight the efforts of some of our local governments use new media tools to communicate with the public. While everyone knows that @CoryBooker is the king of Twitter when it comes to local elected officials and snow removal, ...

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This Week on Twitter: #Countdown, #WhatsNextDC, #SOTU

Considering the rush of major news stories this past weekend and today, we have created several new instances of Slurp140 to track breaking news:

1. Keith Olbermann abruptly ends “Countdown” and leaves MSNBC: Twitter Stats:

Total # of Tweets on Jan 21st: 13,771
Highest # of Tweets / Hour: 6,451 on January 21st
Cumulative Total # of Tweets: 34,956
Total # of People: 17,327

Whether or not you are a fan of the show or agree with his politics,...

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Will Twitter Kill @ThBlackSquirrel Or How Not to Blog

Mixed up in today’s extremely active Twitter stream,  you may have noticed  one topic that seemed out of place, namely that Trendsmap or @TrendsDC was showing a fairly popular dive bar called The Black Squirrel was suddenly a trending topic. Looking into the issue further,  I found that the traffic was being generated after someone discovered the following post on the restaurant’s blog: “Spare Us Your Cheap Laughs"...

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High Level Holiday Reading: Academics Take on Twitter

If your take Time magazine’s advice about putting away your smart phone to focus on friends and family but are still looking for a way to get your social media ‘fix’ we are proud to recommend these recent research reports that you can print out and read by the fire:

“Twitter in Congress: Outreach vs....

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Are you a #KFCScholar? KFC Doubles Down on Twitter Promo

In case you didn’t catch it, Kentucky Fried Chicken is offering a $20,000 scholarship to a high school senior to send a tweet with the hashtag #KFCScholar about how they exemplify the Col’s commitment to education, or something. From their release:

“KFC is asking college hopefuls to tweet why they exemplify Colonel Sanders’...

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