As most of the east coast is bracing for another snow-pocalypse / thunde-snow / sleet mess this evening we want to highlight the efforts of some of our local governments use new media tools to communicate with the public. While everyone knows that @CoryBooker is the king of Twitter when it comes to local elected officials and snow removal, ...
Continue ReadingConsidering the rush of major news stories this past weekend and today, we have created several new instances of Slurp140 to track breaking news:
1. Keith Olbermann abruptly ends “Countdown” and leaves MSNBC: Twitter Stats:
Total # of Tweets on Jan 21st: 13,771
Highest # of Tweets / Hour: 6,451 on January 21st
Cumulative Total # of Tweets: 34,956
Total # of People: 17,327
Whether or not you are a fan of the show or agree with his politics,...
Continue ReadingMixed up in today’s extremely active Twitter stream, you may have noticed one topic that seemed out of place, namely that Trendsmap or @TrendsDC was showing a fairly popular dive bar called The Black Squirrel was suddenly a trending topic. Looking into the issue further, I found that the traffic was being generated after someone discovered the following post on the restaurant’s blog: “Spare Us Your Cheap Laughs"...
Continue ReadingIf your take Time magazine’s advice about putting away your smart phone to focus on friends and family but are still looking for a way to get your social media ‘fix’ we are proud to recommend these recent research reports that you can print out and read by the fire:
“Twitter in Congress: Outreach vs....
Continue ReadingIn case you didn’t catch it, Kentucky Fried Chicken is offering a $20,000 scholarship to a high school senior to send a tweet with the hashtag #KFCScholar about how they exemplify the Col’s commitment to education, or something. From their release:
“KFC is asking college hopefuls to tweet why they exemplify Colonel Sanders’...
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