
Twitter Suggestions for Your Company

While getting my much needed cup of coffee this morning, I overheard a lady behind me say something along the lines of, "What about this Twitter thing… how can we use it to market us?"

I didn’t listen to the rest of the conversation, as my focus was on coffee and waking up. ...

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Is Digg Losing Traction?

I’ve been visiting for a long time, and recently I’ve noticed that the volume of diggs for frontpage stories seems to have dropped.  The last few months it has just seemed to me that there are a lot of stories on the homepage that have 200-300 diggs, where six months or a year ago I remember the vast majority of homepage stories having 500+ votes. ...

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Is the New Twitter Homepage a Mistake?

I’m definitely late to this party, but yesterday Twitter launched a new design for its homepage.  This is the version of the homepage users who are not logged in and who are visiting the site for the first time will see.

Lots of smart people have already surrounded this topic,...

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Twitter Launches Twitter 101 – A Guide to Twitter for Businesses

Twitter 101 – A Guide to Twitter for Businesses

Per Techcrunch, Twitter just launched Twitter 101, which is a starters kit for businesses interested in using the service to promote their company/products.  Check out the guide here....

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Demystifying the Social Medianess – Forget About Technology

When last we left, we talked about how the social web thrives on unselfish communication. I touched a bit on the role of technology, and today I’d like to expand upon some thoughts.

When you hear the words social media what’s the 1st thing that comes to your mind?...

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