
John McCain to Make Online Reality Show as Part of His Campaign

The Los Angeles Times has a great piece today about the explostion of online video in politics.  The articles looks both at how both campaigns and activists groups are using viral video to try to impact the 2008 Presidential election. 

The whole piece is worth reading, but I found this tidbit about the McCain campaign particularly interesting:

McCain is planning his own Web version of reality TV....

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The Politico: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Politico, a new weekly newspaper that will provide in-depth coverage of the political/lobbying scene, launched yesterday to modest fanfare. 

Interestingly, The Politico will take a sort of hybrid approach to distributing its content.  They don't seem to be aiming to attract a large print circulation.  They will distribute around 25,000 print copies of the weekly paper to various DC types at $3.50 a pop (I've got a copy of the first issue here). ...

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Is the Obama Campaign Going to Embrace Consumer Generated Video?

When I saw Senator Barack Obama’s annoucement video yesterday, I was impressed by the Flash video player the campaign is using.  I’ve looked into this before, and the Flash player Obama is using has the critical features I look for: (1) subtle design, (2) the ability to email the video, (3) permalink and (3) embeddable HTML code. ...

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Mitt Romney Launches Presidential Campaign Website

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney launched the first iteration of his campaign website recently and it is underwhelming.

I am certain that the Romney campaign has big plans for the site. But as someone who develops websites for a living I can tell you that the features you choose to include (and exclude) on launch say a lot about where you are headed....

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Want to be President? Step 1: Buy a Video Camera

Democrat John Edwards has gotten a lot of attention in the blogosphere for announcing his candidacy for President on YouTube. A little more quietly, another candidate, Democrat Tom Vilsack, has launched a video blog over on (via WP Post IT blog).

Here’s one of his recent posts where he talks about “the power of the Internet to enable conversation between voters and candidates.”...

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