In my last post we talked about this thing called Social Medianess and the responsibility those of us in the digital landscape carry to help others understand how it works.
Today I’d like to dive into the essence of social media and clarify exactly what that is.
People equate technology with social media....
Continue ReadingAround eight months ago we made the decision to start using Basecamp to manage nearly all our projects. Prior to the move to Basecamp, we used a patch work of tools to manage our work. We had an internal wiki we used for many of our task lists and project documentation. ...
Continue ReadingPresident Obama made his way into office with a tech savvy campaign team and promises to use new technologies to change the way government gets its job done. With the campaign over and the administration under way, shifting rhetoric into action has happened in notable ways but also raised major concerns....
Continue ReadingI was in Las Vegas last week to participate in an ACG Intergrowth panel about how the rise of the social web is changing the way we network. David Teten, the author of the book the Virtual Handshake and CEO of Teten Advisors, was one of my fellow panelists and also a featured speaker at the conference. ...
Continue ReadingThe much hyped “computational knowledge engine” Wolfram Alpha launched over the weekend to what can only be described as a mixed reaction. I played with it for a few hours and came away with two primary thoughts:
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