Web 2.0

Facebook: A News Site

Here's an update on one of my previous posts.  Since joining Facebook about two weeks ago, Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz has friended me.  In fact, according to today's Media Notes column, Howie has friended over 300 people on the social network. 

In his continued exploration of Facebook, he quotes Kelley Sayler (I dunno who she is) concerning the site's newsfeed as she mocks the feature:

because the world really needs to know that they had macaroni and cheese for lunch at 12:32 p.m....

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Do you have a crush on Obama?

ObamaGirl supposedly has a crush on — wait for it — Barack Obama, and she has created a music video professing her love for him with lyrics like, "You're into border security…let's break this border between you and me…Universal health care reform…it makes me warm" (Hat tip: TechPresident).

I'm sure that Obama is blushing since ObamaGirl is hot and as part of the Barely Political website,...

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How to learn through a blog

Blogging is so much more than about expressing yourself; it can also serve as a learning tool.  I have learned many interesting things through blogging.  Here are some of the ways that use my blog to learn: 

First, writing is mental exercise that, if done carefully, forces one to think about how to clearly present an idea. ...

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Participation Inequality

Not everyone who reads blogs comments on posts or writes their own blogs.  That should not surprise anyone.  In fact, according to Jackob Nielsen's Participation Inequity: Encouraging More Users to Contribute post from last October, only about 5% of Internet users blog. (Hat tip: Suw Charman)

Nielsen explains that "In most online communities,...

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NBC’s iPredict: Predicting the News?

MSNBC.com has an interesting interactive feature named iPredict in which people can guess future developments in news stories (hat tip: Mathew Ingram).  The program has a digg-like voting system in which participants can the likelihood of a specific event by voting “Very likely,” “Likely,” “Toss up,” “Unlikely,” or “Very unlikely.”...

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