Web 2.0

Laptops, the Coast Guard, YouTube oh my!

There is an interesting piece on BusinessWeek.com (via Slashdot ) that talks about the Dell Battery Recall program and how the blogosphere “kept the heat on the manufacturers to do something about it and helped the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) conduct an investigation into the burning batteries.”

As mentioned in the BusinessWeek.com article,...

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Eight Things I’m Supposed to Love But Don’t

I didn't like Lost in Translation.  I was supposed to.  Other people I know did and it got great reviews and had fantastic buzz.  I wanted to like it.  But when I finally got around to seeing it I was just sort of bored. I just didn't get it.  So, inspired by Lost in Translation,...

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Back to School

Kids everywhere are going to hate me for saying this.  But, with the summer winding down, the smell of school is in the air.  That's right, the back-to-school shopping season is almost upon us.  And for kids heading off for their freshman year of college, back to school shopping is getting more and more complicated every year....

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The Use of the Internet by Japanese Newspapers

As a complement to our study on the use of Web 2.0 tactics by the top 100 U.S. newspaper, we took a look at how the twenty largest Japanese newspapers are using the Internet.  Overall, we found that Japanese papers are not taking aggressive Web strategies (except when it comes to cell phones),...

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YouTube and the George Allen Video

Rolling Stone has a story on their blog about YouTube's role in exposing and spreading the now infamous George Allen Listening Tour video.  Here's a quote from the article:

There’s a paradigm shift under way and politicians like Allen, and to a lesser extent Joe Lieberman and Barbara Boxer,...

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