Website review

Who’s it Gonna be? 2008 Presidential Candidate Websites

The Pew Internet and American Life Project released a new study this week about trends in obtaining political news online.  The results were pretty interesting, but predictable, given the rise in user-generated Web content.  Here is a summary of some of the study's important points:

  • The number of Americans relying on the internet for political news doubled from the 2002 mid-term election and grew fivefold in the past decade:


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Is the Obama Campaign Going to Embrace Consumer Generated Video?

When I saw Senator Barack Obama’s annoucement video yesterday, I was impressed by the Flash video player the campaign is using.  I’ve looked into this before, and the Flash player Obama is using has the critical features I look for: (1) subtle design, (2) the ability to email the video, (3) permalink and (3) embeddable HTML code. ...

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Missed Opportunities for the New Yorker

One of the best blogs around is written by New Yorker reporter and author Malcolm Gladwell. Gladwell posts around once a week about his books (Blink and The Tipping Point), his latest New Yorker article or some other topic that strikes his fancy (like the NBA or racism).

The blog is quite successful....

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Mitt Romney Launches Presidential Campaign Website

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney launched the first iteration of his campaign website recently and it is underwhelming.

I am certain that the Romney campaign has big plans for the site. But as someone who develops websites for a living I can tell you that the features you choose to include (and exclude) on launch say a lot about where you are headed....

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The Year in Review: The Best Websites You’ve Never Visited (and some you have)

2006 has seen many fantastic developments in the realm of Web 2.0.  Looking back over the year, the growth of sites like YouTube, digg, Facebook, and Wikipedia immediately come to mind.  But 2006 has also brought us many other great websites that, while they are less well-known, are no less fun or interesting. ...

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