
Brick Factory’s Nine Favorite Drupal Modules

Drupal is well known as an incredibly robust content management system, or CMS. Brick Factory uses Drupal for most of the websites we create, both for our customers, and for ourselves. One of the factors of Drupal that makes it so very versatile is the ability to add Drupal Modules....

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Delegating Work: A Super Zippy Guide to Releasing Your Death Grip on Control

Most of my conference sessions are inspired by the real-life problems we struggle with as a firm. For this year’s DrupalCon in Nashville, I tackled a challenge that most managers face at some point – how to delegate work to their team.

Trusting your team members to take on work that you are already doing successfully is tricky for a number of reasons....

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5 Examples of Great Nonprofit Email Subject Lines (and Why They’re Awesome)

You, a nonprofit employee, are preparing for the biggest fundraising event of the year: giving season. Website call to actions? Check. Social media ramped up? Check. Game face? Double check. All that’s left is email. Between the newsletters and narratives, email subject lines sometimes get neglected as a fundraising tactic....

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Learning the wrong lessons from the Ice Bucket Challenge

Remember the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge from a few years ago?

It was a social media phenomenon where people challenged friends on social media to pour a cold bucket of ice water over their heads to raise awareness about ALS. Once called out, people either posted a video of themselves completing the Challenge or donated money to an ALS charity....

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Five digital metrics your nonprofit should be tracking

One of the great things about working in the digital communication field is that just about everything can be tracked. Visitor data. Usage patterns. Message effectiveness. A wealth of data is available, and, in the right hands, it can be used to reach a real understanding of what is and isn’t working for your nonprofit....

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