
Top 10 “Changers” of the World of Internet and Politics

PoliticsOnline and World e-Gov Forum have announced this year's list of nominees who are competing for the title of Top Politics and Internet World Changer of 2006. I thought I'd just encourage you to cast a vote. I must admit that I don't know a lot of the nominees apart from what I've seen online,...

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Real Estate 2.0

Here's a riddle for you: What do the Internet and the real estate market have in common? 

Answer: they're both eking all they can out of "Web 2.0" hysteria. 

Recently, we've written many entries explaining the Web 2.0 craze and how it has affected everything from social groups to newspapers to politics. ...

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Two Major Stories on Click Fraud

Anyone conducting keyword ad campaigns on sites like Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Engine Marketing should check out these two recent articles on click fraud:

  • Click Fraud is Growing on the Web – New York Times
  • Click Fraud: The Dark Side of Online Advertising –
  • ...
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The Story of a Failed Submission to Digg, Reddit and Netscape

The last year has seen the rise of social news sites that give users editorial control of the sites' homepage by voting on their favorite stories.   Users submit stories which are then voted on by other users, with the most popular stories appearing most prominently on the sites.  The key to this concept is users spending time reading through submissions to find the most compelling stories. ...

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ProBlogger’s “How to…” Contest

The collaborative blogging project and contest started Darren Rowse, AKA Problogger, earlier this week has come to a close.  And unfortunately, neither Todd nor I were winners of any prizes.  Just to show that we're not bitter, I decided to give a shout out to some of my favorite posts that were entered in the contest....

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