
On the DNC’s Party Builder

Yesterday the Democratic National Committee launched Party Builder, a social networking tool attached to their main website, This comes on the heels of a similar effort the Republican National Committee launched a while ago called MyGOP.

Party Builder is a nice, full featured tool. The folks behind this did a good job....

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Network News Site: The Good News and Bad News

Our recent discussions about the national and international newspaper industry got me thinking: I wonder how network news sites measure up? Are the sites of some of the United States’ most popular news networks better or worse than those of their print competitors?...

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Los Angeles Times Newspoint: Decent Idea, Poor Execution

The Los Angeles Times recently launched a branded RSS reader called Newspoint. The idea here is to introduce RSS to the masses by providing users with a simple tool they can install on their machines and start using RSS even if they don’t really know what it is. Conveniently, once installed the reader automatically subscribes you to seemingly all of LA Times’...

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On Mark Warner and Second Life

There has been some buzz on the blogs about former VA Governor (and future Democratic Presidential candidate) Mark’s Warner’s appearance in the virtual world Second Life. A transcript of the apearance can be read here.

The last year has seen more and more marketers and PR folks experimenting with Second LIfe....

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Some Things I Learned About Our Blog (and Blogs in General) from Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is a pretty cool tool that allows you to see visually how people are using your website (what page elements they are clickign one). Read a full review of Crazy Egg on Techcrunch here.

Seeing as how we build websites for a living, we implemented it on our blog homepage as a way of giving it a test drive....

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