
What You Need to Know About Drupal 8

Drupal 8 is coming soon.  For those of us that work in Drupal every day, the release of Drupal 8 will be met with a mix of excitement (great new features!) and trepidation (learning the new version and converting old sites is a ton of work).  In an effort to help folks understand the impact of the release of Drupal 8,...

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Support Some Great Charities

Our Brick Factory team was extremely fortunate in 2013.  We had the opportunity to do a lot of important work for great people.

As a small way of giving back we will be making donations to the American Cancer Society, American Red Cross and Wounded Warrior Project this holiday season. ...

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5 Most Inspiring Petition Websites

Online petitions are a proven way for non-profits and advocacy groups to demonstrate support for the causes they care about and to grow their email lists.  Despite their prevalence, a lot of online petitions consist of little more of a few sentences of text and a sign up form.  Check out these five groups that took the time to create inventive and inspiring online petitions....

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10 popular websites that look awful in Internet Explorer 7

If you ask a web developer what they think of Internet Explorer they will probably tell you how awful it is in very colorful language.  If you ask them specifically about Internet Explorer 7 they will either burst into tears or punch you in the face.  You see, over the last four years that web developer is likely to have wasted hundreds of hours implementing hacks to make theirs sites work in IE7,...

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10 Best Sports Teams Websites

It’s no secret that sports are all about competition. Teams train day and night just to gain a competitive edge. In recent decades, the competitive nature of sports has transitioned to the Internet, giving more access to the most important team player, the fan.

Now with the Internet,...

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