
Using the Right Tool for the Job

The Brick Factory’s development team has been writing custom PHP applications for ourselves and clients since 1999, and PHP development has changed quite considerably since then. At that time, and for years after, there were few available frameworks with which we could build our applications on, so all of our applications were developed from the ground up,...

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Five Awesome HTML5 Interactive Pieces

The technology people use to browse websites has changed dramatically the last few years.  Smartphones and tablets have become ubiquitous.  Desktop monitors are getting bigger.  Connectivity is getting better.  Browsers are getting more sophisticated and powerful.

The approach to building website has evolved along with the technology people use to brose the Internet. ...

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How to Protect Your Code Against Injection Attacks

When I started working with PHP years ago, the first thing I did was go online and try to find tutorials. I worked with someone who also did PHP (and was the primary driver for wanting to learn the language), but finding out how to do things on my own fit better into my schedule....

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Brick by Brick, Round 2

It used to be that when you launched a new website you would have two to three years before the design started to feel dated.  Given how quickly things are moving now, a design can start feeling stale after as little as six months.  The battle against dated design is constant.  ...

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Unit Testing In Drupal

PHP is a language that traditionally has not had unit testing as part of the development process. A large part of that was that way back when, there just weren’t any good tools for doing testing. Another major factor is that many of the learning resources for PHP do not mention doing things like unit tests,...

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