
Five Best Pro Sports Logos

A few weeks ago the New Orleans Hornets underwent a rebranding, unveiling a new name (the Pelicans) and logo.   Given the catty nature of the Internet, it comes as no surprise that the logo had its share of critics.   I , for one, love the Pelicans logo as does our CCO Tom McCormick. ...

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8 Web Design and Development Training Sites

In a world where twelve-year-olds are able to create an intricate social networking framework, many businesses have transitioned to nearly full digital marketplace capabilities, and where individuals become undoubtedly incapacitated by the loss of a wireless signal, it is safe to say that knowing the ins-and-outs of the web is not just for the techies anymore,...

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The Noble Pelicans

Pelicans are the inglorious flying garbage-trucks of the water-bird kingdom and as such are despised by man, fish and God. Violent, hateful missteps of nature, they fly with the grace of downed aircraft before zeroing in on their prey and skewering it with their beak/spears before stowing it to die slowly in their giant,...

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Custom PHP Programming to Drupal

I got started PHP programming before PHP frameworks were in widespread use. The first article that got me started with PHP programming was from SitePoint. Since then they have made the article into a book series. From there I worked on a few personal projects and ended up landing a few jobs at local web development firms who specialized in using PHP for building websites....

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Why We Shut Down Slurp 140

Back in 2009 when we were still The Bivings Group we built a tool called Twitterslurp that tracked Twitter conversations at conferences and events.  Twitterslurp ingested tweets based on hashtag and/or keyword, and included features such as a live stream of all relevant tweets, a permanent archive of the Twitter conversation,...

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