
The Official YouTube Creator’s Playbook

Although this clocks in at 70 slides,  if you only read and apply the first 30 slides your YouTube channel will be better than most. Indeed rather than producing something overly complex with tons of fancy buzzwords YouTube has put together a fairly concise (and free) outline of how to best utilize the platform....

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The Obama Team Takes to Twitter

So how important is the debt ceiling crisis?  So important it has gotten the Obama team to actually use Twitter.  I’m only sort of kidding. 

It is understood that the 2008 Obama campaign was the most successful digital campaign ever.   Given how well run it was, it always seemed strange to me that they never really did much on Twitter. ...

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Perspectives on the Internet and Human Memory

Humans and machines have been intertwined for as long as anyone currently reading these words can remember. Recently though, the discussion has turned to whether this relationship affects our mutual memories. In essence, do we remember things? Or do we, as a collective human race, simply remember to google them?...

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5 Things To Teach Yourself In Drupal

We build websites in Drupal every day at the Bivings Group. And every day, we answer questions for clients that are simple, easy things for us to change. Sites built in Drupal are inherently very easy to change and are often malleable to a degree. The problem is that many people see the full-blown Content Management System as an unknowable hurdle-they think that if the larger problems,...

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The Genius of Google+ Circles

Like many, I’ve spent the past few weeks playing around with the new social network Google+.  The most interesting aspect of Google+ is Circles, the tool for organizing contacts (social graph) on the network.  Here’s a quick video overview:

So why does Circles matter?  It differentiates Google+ from Twitter and Facebook....

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