I love a good infographic as much as the next guy. I really do. An infographic done right can make a point much more effectively than straight text. See this example. Or this one or this one.
But the last few months things have gotten out of hand. ...
Continue ReadingAs part of the launch process, new tech startups typically run a closed beta testing phase where a limited group of users can kick the tires of their new site. This period allows for startups to get discreet feedback from impartial users, while also testing how the product scales without launching to the whole world. ...
Continue ReadingWYSIWYG editors sometimes make me want to scream!
For instance, it is sometimes hard to make desired edits. I can never get them to do a simple line break, for example; whenever I try, a new paragraph begins. To create a line break, I go into the html and adjust the code. ...
Continue ReadingLast week I had the pleasure of attending a conference titled "Here Be Dragons: Governing a Technologically Uncertain Future." It was put together by the Future Tense, a partnership of the New America Foundation, Slate, and Arizona State University. The speakers and panels focused on how innovations within synthetic biology and the internet are helping shape US public policy and regulation of the private sector....
Continue ReadingIn comparing the Facebook pages of the top 86 magazines by circulation, while those with the highest circulations generally had the highest number of Facebook fans, much like our newspaper study this presents a problem when trying to quantify engagement. In short, how do you avoid biasing your results towards magazines with a small,...
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