
Annual WAWF Luncheon Celebrates Donors and Partners

The Bivings Group is proud to work with the Washington Area Women’s Foundation, which held its annual leadership luncheon Tuesday. The luncheon featured more than 1,000 guests at Washington’s Grand Hyatt to recognize the supporters and partner organizations involved in the Foundation, all working to improve the lives of women and girls in the Washington metropolitan area....

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RNC Redesign: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I’m not breaking any news here by telling you that the Republican National Committee launched a significant site redesign yesterday.  After spending some time going through it, I have mixed feelings about the new site.  While I admire the boldness of what they are trying to do, I think in an effort to develop a strong online brand the GOP messed up some of the basics. ...

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Bloggers to be Subject to FTC Endorsement Disclosure Laws

The Federal Trade Commission Monday released revised regulations holding bloggers responsible for disclosing any freebies or payment associated with their writing.

“The post of a blogger who receives cash or in-kind payment to review a product is considered an endorsement,” the FTC said in a statement. “Thus, bloggers who make an endorsement must disclose the material connections they share with the seller of the product or service.”

The regulations may have widespread ramifications considering the millions of bloggers and the variety of their audiences....

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Utilizing Usability

“Usability” is a word used ad-nauseum in the web development world. Since most of us spend all day navigating and constructing sites, it’s easy to assume just about anyone can be an expert in usability if they’re even half aware of what makes a good or bad site.

Smashing Magazine,...

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Some Facts about the Internet

This is a great video that throws out random facts about how the Internet and technology are changing our lives.  A couple to whet your appetite:

  • The average America teen sends out 2,272 text messages each month.
  • There are 240,000,000 televisions in the United States. 
  • ...
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