In yesterday’s Washington Post, there’s a good article by Alec McGillis about the power of senators from sparsely populated states.
Toward’s the end there’s this: “And then there’s the Senate’s age-old distortion of distributive politics, in which goodies are doled out on anything but a per-capita basis. California,...
Continue ReadingThis post is a bit different from the usual on The Bivings Report. But I’m a big believer in transparency in government, and watch with interest what ProPublica, a new non-profit investigative newsroom, is up to. It’s an important experiment in contemporary journalism. ProPublica has been keeping tabs on the stimulus funds;...
Continue ReadingLate yesterday, ESPN basketball reporter Ric Bucher sent out the tweet above in response to a set of social networking guidelines put out by the network. The new guidelines prohibit reporters from maintaining personal websites or blogs containing sports content, require that employees get permission from a supervisor prior to participating in socnets and calls for social networking content to fall under the same editorial guidelines as other ESPN media....
Continue ReadingYesterday, IZEA launched a service called Sponsored Tweets, which allows advertiser to pay well followed Twitter users, such as reality show star Kendra Wilkinson, comedian Carrot Top and web celebrity Chris Pirillo, to send sponsored tweets out about their product or service. In a lesson undoubtedly learned from the controversy around another IZEA product,...
Continue ReadingWhen putting together navigation elements on the sites we build, our number one priority is presenting users with clear choices so they can quickly find what they are looking for. On the web, usability is branding. John Graham-Cumming points to a great example from Network Solutions of how not to name the options on your site. ...
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