In response to the devastating aftermath of the twin earthquakes (on January 12 and then on January 20) in Haiti, Crisis Commons has come to serve as a key forum for the coordination of professional volunteers in the development of rapid solutions to the diverse array of information-based challenges facing the aid effort....
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As you probably know by now, CNN launched a redesigned website yesterday. While I like the look and feel, the thing that really strikes me about the new homepage is how little of it is devoted to news. As you’ll see in the screen shot above, the far left column that I’ve highlighted in yellow is hard news while the rest of the page,...
Continue ReadingI’m not breaking any news here by telling you that the Republican National Committee launched a significant site redesign yesterday. After spending some time going through it, I have mixed feelings about the new site. While I admire the boldness of what they are trying to do, I think in an effort to develop a strong online brand the GOP messed up some of the basics. ...
Continue Reading“Usability” is a word used ad-nauseum in the web development world. Since most of us spend all day navigating and constructing sites, it’s easy to assume just about anyone can be an expert in usability if they’re even half aware of what makes a good or bad site.
Smashing Magazine,...
Continue ReadingOn the heels of an overhaul of their print product back in October, the Los Angeles Times launched a redesign of their website a week or so ago. I like the new a great deal from a usability standpoint. The new sites prominent, simplified horizontal nav bar is a huge improvement over the more complicated content structure present on the old site. ...
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