
Manu Ginobili vs. Zappos.com

I was checking out my Facebook news feed today at lunch, and noticed two very different levels of reaction to status updates from two of the pages I am fans of.  One of the pages belongs to San Antonio Spurs basketball hero Manu Ginobili and the other is for online retailer Zappos.com. ...

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Does Facebook Drive as much Traffic as Twitter?

I participated in a panel discussion put on by NextGenWeb last week on building communities online.  Over the course of the discussion, I mentioned that on the sites I manage Twitter generally drives more traffic than Facebook.  Adam Conner from Facebook was also on the panel, and quickly rattled off a few sites for which Facebook is a significant traffic referrer as a way of countering my argument. ...

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Facebook’s Challenges in Going Global

While Facebook dominates U.S. social networking, similar international platforms are keeping a global monopoly on virtual social life out of reach for the California-based company.

Last year, Facebook sued German social network StudiVZ for violating copyright laws, mimicking its logo, features and service, according to German website, The Local....

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Social Media and the Pickens Plan Virtual March

We have been writing a lot of self promotional blog posts about our work on the Pickens Plan web program lately.  I am going to write one more and then I promise to move on to other topics.  🙂

The last three days, the Pickens Plan has been holding a virtual march on Washington in support of the elements of the Plan. ...

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Financial Expert: Use Facebook when Job Hunting

This morning when I was getting ready for work, I had the Today show on.  During the show they did a segment on dealing with the current tough economic climate.  

I was struck by one of the tips that Jean Chatzy, a financial guru, gave.  When it comes to job hunting,...

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