
NBC’s iPredict: Predicting the News? has an interesting interactive feature named iPredict in which people can guess future developments in news stories (hat tip: Mathew Ingram).  The program has a digg-like voting system in which participants can the likelihood of a specific event by voting “Very likely,” “Likely,” “Toss up,” “Unlikely,” or “Very unlikely.”...

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CNN Launches New Beta Website

This morning, Steve pointed to me to the new beta version of the website, which is now available for public testing. You can view it here and take a guided tour of the new site here. Following are a few things that jumped out at me:...

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Two Journos Tout NowPublic

Last night I attended an interesting journalism workshop at the Cleveland Park Library here in Washington, DC (hat tip: FishbowlDC).  Nationally known writer and photographer Bill Adler and former MSNBC chief Washington correspondent turned freelance multimedia journalist Brock Meeks pitched the citizen driven hyper local news site NowPublic to attendees. 

Approximately 35 people attended. ...

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Journalism Scholarships for Geeks

Here at The Bivings Group we're fans of Adrian Holovaty; he has developed fascinating on-line database news features for news sites like for The Washington Post.  Today, upon recieving a grant from the Knight Foundation that he'll use to develop an innovative site at EveryBlock that will make local news more useful. ...

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NPR on Ron Paul

The Bivings Group was recently interviewed by NPR’s All Things Considered for a piece about the online success of Republican/Libertarian Presidential candidate Ron Paul. Micah Sifry from the Personal Democracy Forum was also interviewed.

You can listen to the piece here.

In the interview, Robert Smith asked me if I thought all of the Paul-related activity would have a real impact on the election....

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