
Chris Anderson Calls for “Radical Transparency” in Media

Chris Anderson, author of the Long Tail and the editor-in-chief at Wired Magazine, has written two (1, 2) though provoking posts outlining how online media might work in the future. In his second post, he outlines his vision for "radical transparency" by the media. There is some great thinking here....

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Are Newspapers Politically Biased?

The New York Times reports today on a new study from the University of Chicago on the political bias of newspapers. The study found that newspapers are indeed politically biased, but that the slant reflects the feelings of the paper’s subscriber base. Here’s the key quote from the Times’ piece:

The authors calculated the ideal partisan slant for each paper,...

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Washington Post Launches Blogroll Program Blog

Back in August, the Washington Post announced a Blogroll Program. Basically, the Post is encouraging bloggers to submit their sites to the new Blogroll Program. The Post will weed through all the submitted blogs and choose the best of the best.

The blogs that are chosen will then be included on a rotating basis on the Post homepage and in their blog directory....

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The Social Press Release

Today Steve Rubel unveils Edelman’s take on the social news release, Storycrafter (note lots and lots of others are doing similar work). I like it. I’d rather get something like this than an old fashioned press release. But two quick thoughts:

(1) Regardless of the format, the key with press releases IMO is to produce very few of them....

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Print Media Websites: Who’s Getting it Right?

We've been somewhat critical of newspaper and magazine websites in the past few weeks.  Two of our studies, "The Use of the Internet by America's Newspapers" and "The Presence of Magazines on the Internet", concluded that newspapers and magazines aren't maximizing their presence on the Web.  By using a larger number and variety of Web tools,...

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