
PR Folks who Blog: Europe

Found the “Results of the first European Survey on Weblogs in Public Relations and Communication Management” by Philip Young, Ansgar Zerfass and Swaran Sandhu (Jan 2006). You can dowload it here. (It’s the link under “Results.”) Not sure whether the 500 or so respondents being self-selected makes the survey scientifically representative,...

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State of the Media Report

Saw a story in last week’s PRWeek that mentioned the “State of the Media Report” by the Project for Excellence in Journalism. The project is an institute affiliated with the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and funded by the Pew Charitable Trust.

Didn’t know what to expect,...

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AOL Spends Too Much on Julia Roberts

Earlier this morning, I learned something very disturbing. According to a article, Julia Roberts is the voice of AOL. Roberts didn’t volunteer to do this as part of some Time Warner movie studio crossover media deal and she wasn’t paid market rate for her work, which is typically $15,000 to $20,000 for a commercial that would be broadcast nationally....

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Language Problem at

There’s an article in Monday’s online Washington Post about the cherry blossom festival and the need for Japanese speakers to help out with increasing number of tourists from Japan. The picture is my son, Renny, who’s fluent in Japanese. But that’s not the point of this post. What’s interesting is when you look at the blogs that have commented on the article....

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We’re on a Mission from God

A few days ago I stumbled across this great article via Slashdot about a musician named Sandi Thom, who in lieu of physically touring to support her new album, uses an online service called Streaming Tank instead to host a nightly concert. Initially I had visons of some online cable access show that had all of 3 viewers (think Wayne’s World),...

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