We have just finished a new mini-research study in which we examined the availability of mobile features for the top 50 newspaper websites and the top 50 English-language blogs. The results were surprising. Just 24% (twelve) of blogs provided mobile content, while 54% (27) newspapers offered a mobile browsing option....
Continue ReadingHad some blog ideas piling up so I figured I would just do a link post. So here you go:
Social Networking Websites and Teens: An Overview
“More than half (55%) of all online American youths ages 12-17 use online social networking sites, according to a new national survey of teenagers conducted by the Pew Internet &...
While I was aware of the One Laptop Per Child Project – the goal of which is to develop a lost-cost, “$100,” laptop that can be given to children in developing countries for educational purposes – I had not seen much about its progress recently until I read an article on WashingtonPost.com this morning entitled,...
Continue ReadingAccording to the average American, this one’s a no-brainer. In a poll of 1,203 American adults, Zogby International and 463 Communications reported that 83% of those surveyed believe that a typical 12-year old knows more about Internet than members of Congress.
Do I even need to remind anyone that The Internet is a Series of Tubes??...
Continue ReadingThe Problogger Group Writing Project wrapped up last Friday and somehow I managed to win a Nintendo Wii for participating with my Top 8 YouTube Videos of 2006 post. The prize was kindly donated by 451 Press.
As a wrap up, here are some cool posts submitted by other contestants:
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