
Nonprofit Benchmarks 2011: Online Fundraising

As I described in our previous post, ‘Nonprofit Benchmarks 2011: Email’, M+R Strategic Services and the Nonprofit Technology Network recently released their ‘2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study’ covering a broad range of digital issues regarding NPOs. The study has a lot of great information that I intend to breakdown and analyze in a few manageable posts....

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Nonprofit Benchmarks 2011: Email

M+R Strategic Services and the Nonprofit Technology Network recently released its “2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study” covering a broad range of digital issues regarding NPOs. The study has a lot of great information that I intend to breakdown and analyze in a few manageable posts. Today, we’ll start with Email.

As many nonprofits know,...

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Lessons from Rework

I’ve been a big fan of 37 Signals (makers of Basecamp) for a long time.  In addition to simply loving their products, I am a daily reader of their blog and an admirer of their focus on simplicity. 

I recently read their latest book, Rework, on a plane flight. ...

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The Difference Between Good Customer Service and Good Public Relations

Like everyone else, I’ve had my share of customer service frustrations  with those large, sprawling corporations we all inevitably interact with.  The kind where you feel  stuck in some sort of bureaucratic purgatory, and where you end up irrationally angry at some poor customer service representative that is completely powerless to help you. ...

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Getting More Out of Your 404 Error Page

When redesigning a site and moving to a new Content Management System, we try our best to preserve the old sites URL structure so that search engine and link traffic is preserved.  If that isn’t possible, we set up what are called 301 redirects, which basically tell search engines that a page has moved permanently to a new location. ...

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