
Barack Obama’s Blue Period

Barack Obama’s team has redesigned his website just prior to the Iowa Caucus and, well, I hope you like the color blue. I do.

I also think this redesign puts his web design effort at the top of the heap.

Starting at the top…

The over the top photoshopping of the clouds and lens flare as a background is so dramatically piled-on that you have to give the designers a lot of credit for even submitting it....

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The Evolution of Barack Obama’s Campaign Website

In the summer I wrote a post vaguely complaining about the deterioration in the design of Barack Obama’s campaign website.

Here is the site when it first launched early in 2007:

I liked this. The design was clean and the site was really easy to navigate....

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Simple Question does Wonders for NPR Blog

On Tuesday of this week (December 18, 2007) NPR's new morning show The Bryant Park Project did a segment on the local perception of Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul, and his large and ardent Internet posse came up.  Like many others Bennett Roth of the Houston Chronicle guesses that Ron Paul supporters "are a little bit younger,...

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Thompson Campaign Launches User Generated Video Program

The Fred Thompson campaign, for whom we are one of the web vendors, recently launched a new consumer generated video program called Be a Star. The program encourages users to submit their own Fred videos to the campaign. Site visitors can then go to a page on the site to view all the videos that were submitted and vote on the ones they like best,...

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Some Thoughts on CNN/YouTube Debate

There has been a lot of controversy today regarding last nights Republican CNN/YouTube debate, during which CNN asked Republican Presidential candidates 40 or so questions carefully selected from thousands submitted via YouTube by ordinary citizens. The gist of the controversy is that people are questioning the editorial process CNN used to select the questions and CNN’s vetting of the people asking the questions (it is coming out today that a lot of Democrats got questions in)....

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