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Well, this is not what I expected to see, or watch, or have my browser crash from.
Restarting browser…
The exploratory site was pretty presentable. Not much to it,...
Continue ReadingArianna Huffington has a blog post up exposing the maker of the now famous “Vote Different” Hillary Clinton attack ad as Philip de Vellis, an employee at the Democrat web consultancy Blue State Digital. Background on the situation is available here.
I’d like to personally thank Huffington for breaking this story. ...
Continue ReadingJohn Edwards just started Twittering a few weeks ago. In that short time, he has already accumulated 1,261 followers and 1,341 friends. Not bad. Based on the Twitterholic leaderboard, John Edwards is probably one of the top five most popular people on all of Twitter in terms of friends/followers (although he is not yet on that list)....
Continue ReadingWould you like to ask a politician or a political candidate a question? OK, maybe only if you're a political junkie, but now you don't have to track them down and get their attention in a personal setting. In fact, you can ask a politician a question using the same machine that allows you to read this post....
Continue ReadingI was catching up on my feed reading and came across this interesting post by Bush-Cheney e-campaign veteran Mike Turk. Paraphasing wildly, Turk thinks the entire poli-tech community is focusing too much on how the Presidential candidates are using the latest technologies (Facebook, YouTube, etc.) instead of whether they are developing strategies that will actually win elections. ...
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