
Politicians Spotted on MySpace

I got an email from a colleague pointing me to the MySpace page of Allan Lichtman, a Democrat running for the open U.S. Senate seat in Maryland. This is the first politican I’ve seen with a MySpace profile, although I haven’t looked that hard. With 250,000 new users signing up every day and 66 million total users,...

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Traffic Wars: Daily Kos Vs. Instapundit

I haven’t gotten around to reading Crashing the Gate yet, which is the new book by prominent liberal bloggers Marko Moulitsas (Daily Kos) and Jerome Armstrong (MyDD). But I did check out an extended review in the New York Review of Books. It looks like a good read. However, this quote from the review really jumped out at me:...

“Kos says he gets fifty times the number of visits received by the entire right wing ‘blogosphere,’ Continue Reading

Top 10 Ways Trade Associations Can Employ New Media Techniques

As a whole, Washington-based trade associations aren’t known for their innovative Internet strategies. The big secret about trade associations is that they have a lot to offer the Internet community – most have great stockpiles of content and staffers who are genuine experts in their fields. And a big part of a trade association’s mission is to serve as an information resource on their industry....

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Political Killer App? The Telephone.

The Hotline has a story about using the telephone to replace town hall meeting and focus groups. The system rings up voters, and asks if they’d like to participate in the politician’s “Tele-Town” hall. The politician talks, listeners ask questions, and the politician can even poll the listeners on whatever issue he or she may want....

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Chinese Government Sets Up Blogs for Lawmakers

In an effort to boost relevance and public interest, the Chinese government is setting up blogs for members of its figurehead Parliament and companion advisory board. Seems to me that ghost written and heavily censored blogs are going to make the government look more out of touch, not less.

Technorati Tags: China Politics Blogs Government Asia...

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