Think back to the last time you went to a museum.
Did you walk away changed? Inspired? Disappointed? Maybe you felt the millennially-ingrained desire to express those feelings to your internet following a la Twitter or Facebook. These companies have acquired valuations in the billions due to their ability to capture user feedback and translate it into advertising dollars....
Continue ReadingAs a nonprofit its sometimes tough to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the tech world. We've put together 10 sites (in no particular order) every nonprofit should check out to help get you started:
1. Google Grants
Straight from the mouth of Google: "Google Grants is a unique in-kind donation program awarding free AdWords advertising to select charitable organizations....
Continue ReadingMixed up in today’s extremely active Twitter stream, you may have noticed one topic that seemed out of place, namely that Trendsmap or @TrendsDC was showing a fairly popular dive bar called The Black Squirrel was suddenly a trending topic. Looking into the issue further, I found that the traffic was being generated after someone discovered the following post on the restaurant’s blog: “Spare Us Your Cheap Laughs"...
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In the past few days, political media outlets have been abuzz with the news that Gowalla, a location based social networking service, has teamed up with politicians to create politically-themed stamps. Subsequently, Gowalla users are now able to see when politicians check-in at political rallies, fundraising dinners, and town hall meetings....
Continue ReadingNew Blog Post – Online Media and Social Networking by #PBS @NewsHour @KateGardiner – #DCMM
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