
China Filters the Internet

Researchers from OpenNet Initiative (ONI) released an excellent report last year on the scope and degree to which China filters Internet content. Though quite a few countries filter Internet content, the researchers agree that "China's Internet filtering regime is the most sophisticated effort of its kind in the world." They describe it as "pervasive,...

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Just How Many Chinese Bloggers Are There?

Like many others, I read this brief article on entitled, "China bloggers surpass 30 million."  The articles says there's about 34 million blog sites, but the more important number is the number of actual bloggers — more than 17 million according to the article.  That's a few folks, but not all that many if you consider that more than 105 million persons in China have access to the web —...

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Link Roundup

This is one of those weeks where I've got more material than time.  So here are some quick thoughts on some things that have been floating around my browser this week.

(1) A new startup launched this week called Grand Central.  According to Life Hacker, Grand Central "lets you consolidate all of your phone numbers into one number,...

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Research review: Metropolitan Websites as Urban Communications

If you needed information about your city, it makes sense to head over to the metropolitan website to begin figuring out what's what. A research study by Cleveland State's Leo Jeffres and UConn's Carolyn Lin appears in Indiana University's Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. The study examines how the websites of the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the US represented their cities and how well their websites communicated with the public,...

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Network News Site: The Good News and Bad News

Our recent discussions about the national and international newspaper industry got me thinking: I wonder how network news sites measure up? Are the sites of some of the United States’ most popular news networks better or worse than those of their print competitors?...

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