
Jakob Nielsen and the Fiery Tub of Money

Usabilty celebrity Jakob Nielsen has been the go-to authority on everything web-related for some time now. I have seen him in Boston, San Francisco and Amsterdam (I think). I have purchased, and been reimbursed for, several of his books. He’s a funny guy and a lot of laughs at seminars and yet I believe I am done with our friend....

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Social Technographics & Butterfingers

Forrester Research just released an interesting study led by Charlene Li about social technographics that breaks up web users into distinct and defined categories so that marketers can target their efforts to inspire action.

These categories include:...

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Web 3.0?

Don't ask me what exactly web 3.0 is, but Jason Vallery has a good summary of the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media meeting held last week in Boulder, CO, where web 3.0 was discussed.  His summary:

"While the future is far from certain, one thing is for sure....

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Free Papers on the Web

After my post about the Washington Post Express' website, I decided to do some more research and see what other free newspapers are doing online. I compiled a list of free papers in the US and checked out their websites, using some of the same criteria as I did in our newspaper study. ...

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Who’s on Digg? Not the 2008 Presidential Candidates

With the rising popularity of user-controlled news sites, everyday citizens are no longer dependent on mainstream media to decide what in the news is important.  By now, everyone knows this, and most people understand the power of a site like Digg as a traffic generator for blogs and news sites and also as a means to a highly desirable end for anyone using the Internet…viral status....

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