Social Networks


Thumbing through the October 2008 issue of PRSA's publication Tactics was a lot like opening up my RSS folders and taking a look around. Featuring an internet/web 2.0 multiple page spread, the issue covered topics ranging from maximizing the benefits of Twitter to the convenience of using FriendFeed. Most of this seemed familiar —...

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Give Ning a Look

Ning is a platform that allows anyone to create a custom social network in a few minutes time.  I’ve played with it a few times since it launched in late 2005, but never really did a deep drill until recently, when we started work on a project that used Ning as its social networking component. ...

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Personal Space Not So Personal for High Schoolers

I remember several years ago when Facebook was fresh out of the coding gate, college seniors feared that their employers would look at a certain picture of them at the fraternity mixer holding a can of beer, and that would be the end of their resume.  In those days, Facebook (and some other social networks) was limited to college-aged persons,...

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Steal This Idea: Creating your own mini-Digg

Getting an article on the front page of Digg often takes a lot more than just writing good (or viral) content.   Many of the stories that make it to the Digg front page do so as a result of a mini-PR campaign, with submitters actively recruiting diggs via back channels such Twitter,...

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The Show Must Go On…

About two weeks ago, National Public Radio canceled one of its newest programs — The Bryant Park Project, which ended its run last Friday.  I've been following this show since its piloting stage.

The BPP, as it was commonly known as, had a strong social media component with an active staff blog,...

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