Social Networks

The Best of Facebook Applications

This morning Todd gave me the somewhat amusing task of tracking down some cool applications on Facebook.  In browsing through the network's new features, I realized that there are applications for just about any activity imaginable, from tracking restaurants, movies, and music, to adding pictures of cute bunnies to one's profile. ...

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Ron Paul and Distributed Online Campaigning

In all the talk about the Ron Paul online machine, there has been very little discussion of his actual campaign website, which has recently undergone a facelift. His approach is novel. Instead of building an infrastructure on his own campaign website. like most candidates have done, Paul has created a portal to his presences on various third party websites....

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BBC Journalist to Report via Social Networks

Is BBC News going platform agnostic?

The British journalism trade publication Press Gazette reports that BBC reporter Ben Hammersley will report through several social networks from four cities in Turkey in the two weeks prior to the country's general elections in July.  He'll also appear on BBC World, the World Service,...

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Designing for MySpace

The design of John Edwards’ MySpace page is pretty broken right now. As you’ll see below, page elements are getting pushed to the left and it is generally not looking as intended.

If a campaign website was messed up this bad we’d undoubtedly write something snarky....

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Facebook: A News Site

Here's an update on one of my previous posts.  Since joining Facebook about two weeks ago, Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz has friended me.  In fact, according to today's Media Notes column, Howie has friended over 300 people on the social network. 

In his continued exploration of Facebook, he quotes Kelley Sayler (I dunno who she is) concerning the site's newsfeed as she mocks the feature:

because the world really needs to know that they had macaroni and cheese for lunch at 12:32 p.m....

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