
NPR on Ron Paul

The Bivings Group was recently interviewed by NPR’s All Things Considered for a piece about the online success of Republican/Libertarian Presidential candidate Ron Paul. Micah Sifry from the Personal Democracy Forum was also interviewed.

You can listen to the piece here.

In the interview, Robert Smith asked me if I thought all of the Paul-related activity would have a real impact on the election....

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How much are Presidential web vendors getting paid?

I’ve been telling anyone that would listen that someone should comb through the FEC reports and figure out how much Presidential campaigns paid their web vendors during the first quarter. I did this because I wanted to know and was too lazy to do it myself.

Shira Toeplitz from Hotline dove in and wrote the story....

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Top 10 WordPress Plugins

Here is my personal list of the best/most useful WordPress plugins I’ve come across during my two plus years using the platform.

(10) Google Site Map Generator

This plugin automatically creates a Google-friendly sitemap, making it easier for Google to find your content. SEO folks say this stuff helps....

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Marketing in Second Life

Wagner James Au of GigaOM has a fascinating look at why, despite the endless hype, marketing in Second Life hasn’t proven to be effective yet. This is a good companion piece to a link I posted yesterday that provides some practical reasons to be skeptical of Second Life’s marketing potential (put me in the big time skeptic category)....

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Web 3.0?

Don't ask me what exactly web 3.0 is, but Jason Vallery has a good summary of the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media meeting held last week in Boulder, CO, where web 3.0 was discussed.  His summary:

"While the future is far from certain, one thing is for sure....

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