Here is my personal list of the best/most useful WordPress plugins I’ve come across during my two plus years using the platform.

(10) Google Site Map Generator

This plugin automatically creates a Google-friendly sitemap, making it easier for Google to find your content. SEO folks say this stuff helps.

(9) WP-Cache

This plugin creates static versions of your WordPress posts and pages, dramatically decreasing the server load require to deliver content. You must have this installed to prevent failure if you get Dugg or Slashdotted.

(8) PodPress

This is great for podcasting. All you do it upload your mp3 and this plugin automatically embeds the audio file in a cool Flash player and gives users the option to download the file as well.

(7) WP Paginate

Simple plugin that allows you to break long pieces into multiple pages the way sites like the Washington Post and New York times do.

(6) MiniPosts 2 (also known as Asides)

Sometimes you just want to post a line or two – little entries that don’t quite achieve the status of BLOG POST. This plugin allows for the posting (and separation) of this type of micro content.

(5) Twitter

This cool plugin allows you to integrate a Twitter account into your blog without vandalizing your site with the ugly Twitter widget. It also automatically creates tweets (sorry) when you post blog entries.

(4) Popularity Contest

Very cool way to keep track of which of your posts are most popularity based on views, comments and trackbacks. Power the Most Popular feature in our sidebar.

(3) Sidebar Widget

Allows for you to edit the items in your sidebar using a cool Ajax drag and drop interface as opposed to editing the PHP files. Only downside is that it only works on the more popular themes.

(2) Share This

This plugin creates a subtle Share This option that people can use to submit your content to every social bookmarking site known to man. I like it because it doesn’t show all the icons. Please note that last four plugins listed were written by WP plugin king Alex King.

(1) Mobile

This plugin automatically creates a mobile-friendly version of your blog.

Got your own? Let me know in the comments.

About the Author
Todd Zeigler
Todd Zeigler serves as the Brick Factory’s chief strategist and oversees the operations of the firm. In his sixteen year career in digital, he has planned and implemented campaigns for clients including the Pickens Plan, International Youth Foundation, Panthera, Edison Electric Institute, and the American Chemistry Council. Todd develops ambitious online advocacy programs, manages crises, implements online marketing strategies, and develops custom applications and software. He is bad at golf though.