
10 Sites Every Nonprofit Should Check Out

As a nonprofit its sometimes tough to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the tech world. We've put together 10 sites (in no particular order) every nonprofit should check out to help get you started:

1. Google Grants

Straight from the mouth of Google: "Google Grants is a unique in-kind donation program awarding free AdWords advertising to select charitable organizations....

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Turning Customers into Brand Advocates

Building a great company isn’t just about making great products. It is about working to make every interaction with a customer a positive experience. From  marketing emails to the in-store experience to websites to 1-800 numbers to Facebook, there are more ways than ever for customers to connect with companies....

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March Madness: Hey ESPN, Your Facebook’s Broken

I'm a big fan of sports – I'm also a big fan of fantasy sports – kind of a nerd/jock hybrid and I'm completely fine with it. That being said, March is a big month for all fantasy sports nerds due to the NCAA tournament. Fans spend all season watching their favorite team in hopes that they will make the tournament and it all comes down to one day: Selection Sunday....

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Another Awesome 404 Error Page

A 404 error page is that annoying page you get when you try to access a web page that has moved or been deleted.  A couple of months back I wrote a dorky blog post about how web developers should use  404 pages as branding opportunities instead of just throwing the page away and spitting out an error. ...

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Infographic Overload

I love a good infographic as much as the next guy.  I really do.  An infographic done right can make a point much more effectively than straight text.  See this example.  Or this one or this one.

But the last few months things have gotten out of hand. ...

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